Cycle Savvy:
Understand and Leverage Your Menstrual Cycle
Whether you just want to learn more about your body, are trying to get pregnant, want to avoid pregnancy without traditional birth control, or are having bothersome symptoms and want more clarity in what to do next, this class is for you!
Becca’s Journey:
“I struggled for years with abnormal cycles, menstrual pain, horrible side effects from birth control medications, and fertility struggles. The frustration, isolation, and feeling dismissed from providers was exhausting. Eventually, a friend introduced me to cycle tracking. I was able to present new information to my medical team so that we could target my treatments to the underlying causes of my issues and I was even able to get pregnant. Tracking my cycle in postpartum was useful too in order to monitor my hormonal recovery and plan my next pregnancy. Now, I still use cycle tracking as a way to track my overall health and to avoid pregnancy without medication. Understanding and tracking my menstrual cycle has been life-changing for me and I can’t wait to share this tool with others!”
Cycle Savvy
Upcoming Classes:
Thursday Evenings
February 6th-20th 6:00-7:30PM
Online Via Zoom
**Plus an additional 30 minute one-on-one session to be scheduled individually
Get empowered with knowledge about your hormonal health, learn to achieve or avoid pregnancy, and more!
Your class will include:
Get mentored by Dr. Becca Allen, Certified FEMM Instructor and Pelvic Health Physical Therapist
Join a group for three 90-minute classes including:
Hormonal Health 101
Identifying Healthy Patterns or Health Problems
Managing Fertility to Achieve or Avoid Pregnancy
Meet individually for a 30-minute consult with Dr. Becca to review your charts and get one-on-one input
Supplies sent right to you prior to the class
Access to an exclusive facebook group to chat with others using and learning about cycle tracking
Note: Materials unavailable to students outside of the United States, but we will make sure you have access to the information you need virtually and can supply a list of recommended products
Anybody who wants to learn more about their hormonal health! Whether you suffer from hormone-related issues such as irregular bleeding, pain, or depression, are trying to achieve or avoid pregnancy, or just looking to get more information so that you can notice any changes in the future, you are welcome to join. You may join if you are breastfeeding or have irregular periods as well. This class may not be appropriate for you if you do not have any periods due to pregnancy or menopause. If you are on hormonal birth control, you are welcome to join, but please note that taking hormonal birth control will impact your natural hormone production and cycle accuracy.
The FEMM method of cycle-tracking utilizes primarily cervical mucus tracking as well as LH (ovulation) test strips. You can record your information on the FEMM app or using paper charts if you prefer. You will not be required to do basal body temperature with this method.
We will be able to give you more concrete ideas of what the variations from normal your cycle is showing so that you can ask better questions and advocate for yourself with your medical team. You can see your current provider or there are specialists through FEMM who you may also consult with.
Achieving pregnancy is multifactorial and highly individualized so we cannot guarantee any specific outcomes. However, research shows that women who know and understand their cycles have a 30% higher chance of conception.
For avoiding pregnancy, studies have shown with typical use of biomarker observation and LH testing (as done in the FEMM method), the effectiveness of is 91-98%, similar to oral contraceptives.
We always recommend verifying this with your own plan, but our company is set up to accept these types of payment cards.