Cycle Savvy Group Class
Whether you just want to learn more about your body, are trying to get pregnant, want to avoid pregnancy without traditional birth control, or are having bothersome symptoms and want more clarity in what to do next, this class is for you!
In this group class you will:
Get mentored by Dr. Becca Allen, Certified FEMM Instructor and Pelvic Health Physical Therapist
Join a group for three 90-minute classes including:
Hormonal Health 101
Identifying Healthy Patterns or Health Problems
Managing Fertility to Achieve or Avoid Pregnancy
Meet individually for a 30-minute consult with Dr. Becca to review your charts and get one-on-one input
Supplies sent right to you prior to the class
Access to an exclusive facebook group to chat with others using and learning about cycle tracking
Note: Materials unavailable to students outside of the United States, but we will make sure you have access to the information you need virtually and can supply a list of recommended products